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Return Missionary Voucher

In recognition of sound leadership and a proven commitment to study, exemplary missionaries who are of or have served in the target area but who do not qualify for the IWORK Work-Study Program may be selected by their mission president to receive the equivalent of one-half tuition award for one semester to BYU–Hawaii.

If you have already been accepted and would like to defer or discontinue enrollment to serve a mission, read more about what to do on the Mission Deferment or Discontinuance page.

  • The student is one who resides or has served a full-time mission in the target area.
  • The student is a returned missionary with an honorable release within the past year (must be admitted or readmitted to BYU–Hawaii within 12 months of release).
  • The recipient is enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours for the winter and fall semesters and 9 credits for spring.
  • The recipient commits to abide by the Honor Code.

All students who deferred to serve a mission MUST complete the Mission Deferment, Intent to Return, and Return Missionary Voucher Form.

For technical assistance, please contact Admissions at

After Completing the Form

An email will be sent from to keep the student posted on the status of their application. If the student has not received an email notification in his/her inbox, they should check their spam or junk folder.

If the application process has been completed, the student will receive an email about receiving an Intent To Enroll (ITE).

ThThe Intent to Enroll (ITE) must be 'Accepted' if the student is returning. Otherwise, the student should 'Cancel' if the student does not anticipate returning to campus.

The Return Missionary Voucher has a process that requires a mission president's recommendation. Once a student has submitted the form with the mission president's information included, an auto-generated email will notify the mission president of the request.

The Return Missionary Voucher process is not complete until the recommendation is received by Admissions. The mission president needs to submit the request within six months of the first day of the first semester on campus.

Contact Financial Aid & Scholarships on the status of your award.