Accepted AP Credits Skip to main content

Accepted AP Credits

A list of AP courses that are transferable to BYU–Hawaii and their required scores.

Updated AP Matrix Effective January 1, 2024

Course SubjectCourseScoreCourse NameCredit
ArtStudio Drawing4 or 5ART 2203
Studio General4 or 5ART 2203
Studio Art 2-D4 or 5ART 2203
Studio Art 3-D4 or 5ART 2203

Note: Studio art courses (Drawing, General, Art 2-D, and Art 3-D), students may receive, "specific course credit based on the portfolio-based evaluation."

Course SubjectCourseScoreCourse NameCredit
BiologyBiology3BIOL 1003
4 or 5BIOL 112 & BIOL 1133 & 3
ChemistryChemistry3, 4 or 5CHEM 100 & CHEM 1013 & 3
ChineseLanguage & Culture3, 4CHIN 1014
4, 5CHIN 101 & CHIN 1024 & 4
Computer ScienceComputer Science A3, 4 or 5CIS 1013
Computer Science AB3, 4 or 5CIS 101 & CIS 2023 & 3
Computer Science A/AB3, 4 or 5CIS 101 & CIS 2023 & 3
EconomicsMic3, 4 or 5ECON 2003
Mac3, 4 or 5ECON 2013
EnglishLang & Comp 4 or 5ENG 1013
Environmental ScienceEnvironmental Science4 or 5GEN ELECTIVE CREDIT3
FrenchLanguage & Culture3FREN 101 & FREN 1024 & 4
4 or 5FREN 101, FREN102 & FREN 2014, 4 & 4
GeographyGeography3, 4 or 5GEOG 1013
GermanLanguage & Culture3WLNG 101 & WLNG 1024 & 4
4 or 5WLNG 101, WLNG 102 & WLNG 2014, 4 & 4
Gov & PoliticsUS3, 4 or 5POSC 1103
Comparative3, 4 or 5POSC 1503
HistoryUS3HIST 1203
4 or 5HIST 120 & HIST 1213 & 3
World3, 4, 5HIST 2023
JapaneseLanguage & Culture4 or 5JPN 1014
Latin3WLNG 101 & WLNG 1024 & 4
4 or 5WLNG 101, WLNG 102 & WLNG 2014, 4 & 4
MathCalculus AB3MATH 110 & MATH 1113 & 3
4,5MATH 110 & MATH 2123 & 5
Calculus BC3,4,5MATH 212 & MATH 2135 & 5
Calculus AB Subgrade3MATH 110 & MATH 1113 & 3
4,5MATH 110 & MATH 2123 & 5

Note: If a student passes Calc AB and BC 3,4,5 - they will receive MATH 110, 111, 212, and 213 for a total of 16 credit hours."

Course SubjectCourseScoreCourse NameCredit
Music TheoryMusic Theory3, 4 or 5MUSC 111 & MUSC 111L3 & 1
Physics1- algebra based4 or 5PHYS 105/L3/1
1 & 2*- algebra based4 or 5PHYS 105/L, PHYS 106/L3/1 & 3/1
Phys C-Mechanics4 or 5PHYS 121/L3/1
Phys C-Elec & Magnetism4 or 5PHYS 220/L3/1
Any Physics Test3PHYS 1003

*Note: AP Physics 2- algebra based, taken independently of AP Physics 1- algebra based will not fulfill any course requirements other than PHYS 100.

Course SubjectCourseScoreCourse NameCredit
PsychologyPsychology3, 4 or 5PSYC 1113
SpanishLanguage 3SPAN 101 & SPAN 1024 & 4
4 or 5SPAN 101, SPAN 102 & SPAN 2014, 4 & 4
Literature & Culture3SPAN 101 & SPAN 1024 & 4
4 or 5SPAN 101, SPAN 102 & SPAN 2014, 4 & 4
StatisticsStatistics3, 4 or 5MATH 1213

*Updated 05/20/2021
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