FAQ for Mission Presidents Skip to main content

FAQ for Mission Presidents

As a mission president, the eternal progress of your missionaries is as important to you as the progress of those they teach. Even as they return home, you will continue to be concerned about their success. Brigham Young University–Hawaii offers returned missionaries a 'total' education, which will include a variety of academic, cultural, and faith-building opportunities. They will continue to have experiences in Church leadership and can further the spiritual growth they experienced on their mission through weekly devotionals and service opportunities. They will also learn from and associate with other members of the Church from around the world who have the same ideals, principles, and standards they have. BYU–Hawaii welcomes and is committed to foster the growth of returned missionaries, whose enthusiasm and commitment to righteous living will contribute to the special spirit of the campus.

Below are the answers to questions Mission Presidents often ask in regard to their soon-to-be returned missionaries. We also recommend that you review the admissions main page with your missionaries to help them plan and keep track of their application progress.

  • The likelihood that a missionary will remain active, marry in the temple, and raise a family in the church improves dramatically among those who attend a church school following their mission.
  • The sooner, the better. Waiting until the missionary's exit interview may be too late. It generally takes about 4-6 months to complete the application process and receive an answer from the university. In addition, international missionaries often have to apply for visas before they can leave their country for school. Our desire is to have Returned Missionaries make a smooth transition from the mission field to BYU–Hawaii with as little lost time as possible.
  • Mission Presidents have the discretion to release their missionaries up to 30 days before their scheduled release date. However, all missionaries are encouraged to serve their full two years or eighteen months.
  • One benefit of BYU–Hawaii's innovative academic calendar is that a new term or semester is always just around the corner. Another option to help you get ahead of your education before coming to BYU–Hawaii is to enroll in the BYU–Hawaii Online distance learning program.
  • As part of the application process, Mission Presidents have the opportunity to make supporting comments on the Ecclesiastical Endorsement page (Part 3) of the besmart.com application. We take these recommendations very seriously and highly appreciate your comments.
  • In recognition of proven commitment to study and sound leadership, exemplary missionaries may be selected by their mission president to receive a one-half tuition award for one semester to BYU–Hawaii. For full information, visit the official program webpage.
  • If the missionary is from our target area* or serving in our target area, and is NOT a former BYUH student, you can recommend that missionary for a scholarship by completing the Voucher form we have sent you.

    As a Mission President, you may not know much about the student’s academic background. However, you may provide insight that could help us as we evaluate students who may not meet all of the qualifications up front.

    *Our target area includes all of the islands of the South Pacific, New Zealand, and Australia and all nations in East Asia as well as India and Mongolia.
  • Encourage your missionaries to practice English as part of their daily language study hour. You might consider making English-lesson activities part of district training meetings or zone conferences. Also consider assigning a senior missionary couple to teach English.