Mission Deferment or Discontinuance
Current students or incoming students who have chosen to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can choose to defer or discontinue their enrollment at BYU–Hawaii. If they plan to return to BYUH to continue their studies, they will need to also submit an Intent to Enroll to retain their admissions status. Students also have the option to decline this opportunity to be readmitted.
MIssion Deferment vs Discontinuance
Incoming or New Students
Students who have not attended or earned credits at BYUH AND deferred their admittance to serve a mission will still be considered new students after serving a mission.
Admissions manages the listing of deferred students on a mission.
Current or Former Students
Students that have attended and earned credits at BYUH are considered 'FORMER' students and will need to be readmitted to continue their studies at BYU–Hawaii.
The Office of the Registrar manages the listing of discontinued students on a mission.
All students who deferred to serve a mission MUST complete the Mission Deferment, Intent to Return, and Return Missionary Voucher Form.
Mission Deferment, Intent to Return, and Return Missionary Voucher Form
BYU–Hawaii also offers a tuition benefit for returned missionaries. You can read more about it on the Return Missionary Voucher page.
What happens next?
An email will be sent from Mission_Deferment@byuh.edu
If the application process has been completed, the student will receive an email about receiving an Intent To Enroll (ITE).
The Intent to Enroll (ITE) must be 'Accepted' if the student is returning. Otherwise, the student should 'Cancel' if the student does not anticipate returning to campus.
Returning to BYU–Hawaii Following a Mission
Incoming or former students who have previously been admitted but deferred or discontinued their enrollment will need to reapply. Since they were previously accepted, they retain their admittance status. However, they will need to reapply for most of the financial aid programs, and international students will need to reapply for their visas. Fortunately, the admissions portion of their application is kept on file and transferred, making the admission application easier and faster.