Home-schooled students are those who complete their secondary education through the General Education Development Test (GED), home study, home school, or other programs
Those who complete their secondary education through the General Education Development Test (GED), home study, home school, or other programs will be reviewed individually by the admissions committee to determine admissibility. They are required to meet a higher test score than other applicants.
All students applying to BYU–Hawaii are required to have an ecclesiastical endorsement. Applicants are responsible for scheduling appointments with appropriate Church leaders and ensuring the endorsements are complete before the application deadline.
All students are expected to complete an updated endorsement each year and abide by the Honor Code, which includes:
BYU–Hawaii requires a minimum ACT composite score of 24 or a minimum SAT test score of 1090 for home-schooled students.
If you have taken the SAT, you may refer to our ACT/SAT Equivalency Table to find your SAT score's equivalent.
Scores must be sent through the examiners. We will not accept ACT/SAT scores via email or scores on transcripts.
SAT/ACT scores must be sent electronically through the SAT and ACT websites. Scores usually take two to three days to process after our office receives them.
Domestic applicants are required to obtain a high school diploma (or equivalent) before beginning at BYU–Hawaii. There are no prerequisite courses needed for admittance to BYUH.
Applicants should have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or more.
Home-schooled students must submit an official GED score and transcripts for any official high school or college classes that were attended.
The admissions domestic transcript evaluators will need official transcripts that have tracked your academic progress.
Common high school equivalency exams are the TASC or HiSET. You should submit official scores and documentation to confirm that you have earned your HSE (high school equivalency) diploma.
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What if I have college credits?
Any college credits earned before earning a diploma will be considered as concurrent enrollment and you will be considered a new freshman. You will need to send official transcripts to the admissions office that matches the amount of credits reported on the application.
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What if the ACT/SAT is not offered where I live?
BYU–Hawaii requires an ACT/SAT score for admission. As an alternative, applicants that have earned 24 or more college credits after receiving their high school diploma are not required to submit ACT/SAT scores and will be considered transfer students.
View our transfer student requirements for more information.