Cancellation of Admittance Skip to main content

Cancellation of Admittance


In order to complete the cancellation process, review the following and proceed.

  1. If you have ‘accepted’ your intent to enroll and ‘enrolled’ in classes, but need to cancel, DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM. Login to myBYUH > Student Center > Self Service > Request Discontinuance.
  2. If you ‘accepted’ your intent to enroll and need to cancel, complete the ‘Cancellation of Admittance’ form below.
  3. If you have booked a room with Housing Operations, you will need to cancel or you may incur a penalty fee. Complete the ‘Cancellation of Admittance’ form below. Visit the Student Housing website. If you need assistance call (808) 675-3534 or email
  4. If you have NOT ‘accepted’ your intent to enroll, but need to cancel, DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM. Complete the Intent to Enroll by selecting ‘Cancel’.
    1. Did not receive an intent to enroll? Call BYUH Admissions at (808) 675-3738.
  5. See the Cancellation of Admittance form.