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BYU–Hawaii Freshman Admissions Criteria

Important Notice from BYU–Hawaii regarding A Level, Form Seven and Foundation Level courses.

Effective for applications submitted from and including Winter 2014, BYU–Hawaii will no longer award transfer (cross) credits for results on Form Seven (or equivalent), A-Level and foundation level courses. These results are considered pre-degree and will be used as an indicator of academic preparation in the admissions index.

  1. Seminary Attendance
  2. High School Graduation & GPA
  3. Meet the English test requirement
  4. Ecclesiastical Endorsement
  5. Secondary Education: Form 7 is required or NCEA: (Level 3 courses)

Other Factors

Seminary Attendance, High School Graduation & GPA, English proficiency, Ecclesiastical Endorsement, missionary and community service, work experience, and age may also be used as determining factors in admission.

For more information on how to submit your transcripts, see International Transcript Submission.


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Funafuti Tavalu Branch
PO Box 60
Vaikau Funafuti,