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BYU–Hawaii Freshman Admissions Criteria

  1. Minimum of 6.5 (B)on Ijazah Sekolah Menengah Atas or Umum (aka. SMA or SMU).
  2. Submit high school transcripts.
    Complete BYU-Pathway's foundational PathwayConnect program (PC101, PC102, PC103, and the introductory certificate course):*
    - Score a minimum 3.0 GPA or higher
  3. Meet the English test requirement.

For more information on how to submit your transcripts, see Transcript Submission.

*The completion of a BYU-Pathway Worldwide program will waive BYU–Hawaii’s high school diploma/secondary education requirements.
For more information, please visit BYU–Hawaii BYU-Pathway Partnership Program.


Juswan Tandiman
Jalan Senopati No.115
Kebayoran Baru

Jakarta 12190, Indonesia
Ph: (6221) 7270-0074
Fx: (6221) 723-2741