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BYU–Hawaii Freshman Admission Requirements

  1. Secondary School Diploma
  2. GPA in the 67-72% range
  3. ACT or SAT score
  4. English test (if the instruction is not done in English)
  5. Ecclesiastical endorsement
  6. Missionary and community service, work experience, and age may also be used as determining factors in admission.

For more information on how to submit your transcripts, see Transcript Submission.

Alberta British Columbia Saskatchewan Prince Edward Island Ontario Manitoba New Brunswick
A 80-100 86-100 80-100 90-100 85-100
B 65-79 73-85 70-79 75-89 75-84
C+ 67-73
C 50-64 60-66 60-69 60-74 65-74
C- 50-59
D 40-49 50-59 50-59 50-64
F Below 40 Below 50 Below 50 Below 50 Below 50


10 = 10th grade, 20 = 11th grade; 30 = 12th grade

At the university level in Alberta, the University of Alberta uses a 1-9 scale; the Universities of Calgary and of Lethbridge use A-F and 1-4 grade point average.

Highest on the scale:

8-9 excellent; A

Pass/fail level:

Alberta: 6 for graduate students, 4 for undergraduates

Lowest on the scale:

1-2 Fail; F

Prince Edward Island

4 = 10th grade; 5 = 11th; 6 = 12th; 7 = 10th/11th; 8 = 11th/12th


1 = 9th; 2 = 10th; 3 = 11th; 4 = 12th

Quebec BYU–Hawaii Entrance Requirements

Complete at least one year of C.E.G.E.P.

  • A = 90-100
  • B = 80-89
  • C = 70-79
  • D = 60-69
  • F = below 60

Note: Complete at least one year of CEGEP with 70%. Transfer credits are available for students with two years.