Admissions Deadlines and Schedules Skip to main content

Admissions Deadlines and Schedules

Application Deadlines and Decisions Schedule

Semester (Start)Application AvailableDocument Deadline*
(see below)
Application DeadlineDecision Notification
Fall (September)September January 15 February 1Mid-March
Winter (January)MarchJune 15July 1Mid-August
Spring (April)July October 15November 1Mid-December

*FOR INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS ONLY. All university and secondary education transcripts and financial documents must be cited and received before the document deadline for the semester you are applying.

English Language Admission Test Deadlines

International students whose first language is not English must demonstrate English proficiency. The English Language Admission Test (ELAT), offered and administered by BYUH, is one option to meet this requirement. Read more about the English Test Requirements and other proficiency options. Registration deadlines and test dates are before the document deadlines in the application schedule (see above).

Semester Application PeriodELAT Registration Deadline Test Dates
Fall December 1 December
WinterMay 1May
Spring September 1 September